Websites have come a long way since their inception, and with new technological advancements, there are always fresh web design trends that emerge. This year is no different as we’re seeing some exciting changes in how websites are designed and built. As a professional web design service provider, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends if you want to create successful online experiences for your customers.
At LUXIS Design in Brea California, we specialize in user experience design (UX) and innovative web solutions that help businesses reach their digital goals. To give you an idea of what’s trending when it comes to website designs this year, here are our top five picks:
1. AI Integration
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been around for quite some time now but is only starting to become more commonplace in website designs this year. Incorporating AI into your website allows visitors to engage with virtual customer service agents who can provide assistance quickly and accurately without having access to a human assistant or employee 24/7. Additionally, AI can be programmed with natural language processing (NLP) so that it can understand user questions better than ever before – making interactions smoother while providing customers with the answers they need faster than ever before!
2. Motion Graphics & Animations
This trend is all about bringing life into static pages by adding motion graphics & animations throughout the site – from subtle hover effects on buttons & menu items to larger scale interactive elements like background videos or parallax scrolling sections! It’s becoming increasingly popular because these animations bring alive otherwise boring content by drawing attention towards features people would otherwise overlook or ignore completely; plus they’re just fun!
3. Dark Mode Design
Dark mode designs are growing more prevalent due to its potential benefits such as improved battery life on mobile devices and reducing eye strain especially during night viewing sessions – which makes perfect sense considering most users spend hours every day browsing websites across all kinds of devices! Plus dark modes also look sleek when implemented correctly thanks largely due its simple yet elegant color palette which often consists primarily black shades combined elegantly with accents colors like blues & purples etc..
4. Illustrations
Illustrations play an essential role in modern website design because they help break up long blocks of text while also allowing brands/companies tell their stories through unique visuals rather than relying solely words alone – something most viewers appreciate greatly since illustrations tend evoke emotion much easier than plain text ever could possibly do alone! Additionally illustrations emphasize certain points within texts by visually highlighting key concepts which make them great additions overall any page layout where relevant details need communicated clearly concisely without taking away from main message being conveyed .